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Margaret Cuthill
Recent Activity
WOW ! What a wonderful birthday surprise. Gwen ,that sounds like such a fun weekend.
Toggle Commented Jul 4, 2011 on I am Golden at The Cat Hates My Knitting
Milady seems to think you knit soft cosy things to keep her warm,such a character. l guess that thick pretty fur coat she's wearing just doesn't have enough heat in it :). Gwen that kimono jacket is so beautiful,you are quite the awesome knitter. Can you tell l never mastered the craft of knitting. Two stepmothers & George's granny tried at different times to teach me ,then gave up .... ya ,lefties do it different apparently. Anyway l can certainly admire your nimble fingers. Love your blog pictures,l can almost 'feel' how warm & cosy the cat feels. Thanks for perking up my day. Margaret
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2011 on Taking the Chill Off at The Cat Hates My Knitting
Margaret Cuthill is now following Gwen In Bowmanville
Nov 10, 2010
Margaret Cuthill is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 10, 2010