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Free cats also kill sea otters. Cats should be indoors!
Spay Me, Castrate Me, But Please Take Me Home
A while back, when I noted that cats should be kept indoors because they’re an invasive species that kills hundreds of millions of songbirds, some cat owners responded with claws bared. So I explained that I really do care for cats, citing the Humane Society’s findings that indoor cats live thre...
People are asking about viewing options in the USA for those without cable TV. Any suggestions?
Welcome to the Bike Hugger Hub
Tour de France 2009 It's like MST3K for the Toor Day Frants! We're collecting Tour de France links, commentary and photos - from the Bike Hugger crew & cycling fans like you into The Hub. It's like Mystery Science Theater 3000 for le Tour -- snappy commentary, observations, one-liners, and...
Did somebody say "dope"?
Welcome to the Bike Hugger Hub
Tour de France 2009 It's like MST3K for the Toor Day Frants! We're collecting Tour de France links, commentary and photos - from the Bike Hugger crew & cycling fans like you into The Hub. It's like Mystery Science Theater 3000 for le Tour -- snappy commentary, observations, one-liners, and...
Whoa, Graham. A post from yoU!!
What if the candidates were bikes?
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