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Cynthia Kurtz
Recent Activity
Hey Tony, great post. When I see this sort of thing I get a warm fuzzy feeling because, not to toot my own horn or anything but, this was my idea and I'm kinda proud of it. I'm so glad to see it living a healthy and happy life out there in the world. :-)
The content/meaning distortion
Posting from the lounge in Cologne/Bonn airport after a meeting with a potential client around supporting a leadership/collaboration approach addressing and using some key issues around nationality and function. (At some point it will no doubt be worth a separate blog. But now's not that point.)...
Hi, great post and great examples. I've been thinking about the same issues and have come up with remarkably similar solutions - great minds think alike - see especially here - happy to connect and discuss!
Cynthia Kurtz
Simplicity: A New Model
Note: This article will be is part of the book Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders. Ah, simplicity. We all seem to want it, but we rarely seem to get it. Many experts have discussed simplicity and complexity. But their contributions often confuse various terms, whi...
Cynthia Kurtz is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 6, 2010
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