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I still think about this amazing place when I drive by the parking lot that repacked it.I had a Tape Dancing recidel there in the early 60s. Such a shame.How did we let this happen?
CynthiaLMason is now following Star Stations LLC
Dec 3, 2016
I was also 9yrs old when Packy was born. I won a pair of roller skates in the Color Packy Contest. I knew he had Tuberculosis and was not doing well. Portland won't be the same without him. I wish this last part of his life could be better. This is my home town, and I always had to go to the Packy birthday partys. Packy and I have grown up togther. Love you big fellow.
I was nine years old when Packy was born at The Portland Zoo. The oldest male of his species in North America is seriously ill. It will be a sad day when Packy passes on to elephant heaven. He's given millions a feeling of joy.
CynthiaLMason is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 3, 2016
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