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d0nnatr0y is the alias of Kelly Fenton, jazz composer, comic book reader, and coffee drinker.
Interests: travel, running, blogging, books, comics, geeky-tv shows, good and bad coffee, some computer games, writing music about comic book characters
Recent Activity
Happy New Year!
Clearly neither Julius Caesar nor Pope Gregory XIII ever had to start school in the fall, lest they would have opted for the calendar year to begin Sept. 1 rather than January 1. To celebrate the new year in January... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2011 at BCM Blog
Cheryl! This is Kelly Fenton... you may or may not remember me from the box office at ADF a million years ago but I randomly just came across you here and am so pleased to read up on all that you have been up to recently! I think I still have a DVD of yours... a foreign film from Vietnam maybe? Hope you are well!
I'm still here. I promise. I needed a break to help remind me of all the beautiful, simple parts of my life. The curling baby toes. The little boy who wakes up, bright eyed and smiling. The forgotten knitting project. The smell of a slow cooked dinner. The smoothness of a fresh goat chees...
d0nnatr0y is now following -08
Apr 10, 2011
Hibernation Mode...
hibernation-robbieporter, originally uploaded by robbieporter. The BCM Blog is currently in hibernation... Be back soon! Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at BCM Blog
Bellissimo! And so much snow! Merry Christmas Laura!
O Little Town of Dresden: The Movie
This is my first photo slideshow video!!! Music: "O Magnum Mysterium" by Lauridsen. A compilation of some of the photos taken during the holiday season. Pictures of the Semperoper and its surrounding areas, the Striezelmarkt and other Dresden neighborhoods. All photos by me. ® Slid...
Wishing You a Bottomless Cup of Holiday Cheer
Happy Holidays & Cheers to a warm and musical holiday season! Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at BCM Blog
Looks yummy! Congrats on the cornbread!
We celebrated Thanksgiving by finding an American Bakery here in Rome (ironically run by an Italian) and eating little pecan pie tarts. They weren't bad, but I can't wait to get home and make a REAL pecan pie!! (we don't have an over here)
Thanksgiving in Dresden
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year... It's the "official" beginning of the holiday season. A time for family and friends. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. "A Christmas Story" movie marathon on TBS. A day when it's okay to eat until you explode. Football games. A day to rememb...
Why don't you sign up for the Disney World Marathon?
That takes care of 4 and 12! I'll do it with you- that's one I've always wanted to do!
40 Things To Do Before 40
The title is ALMOST a palindrome. I tried... really... but it's unmöglich. I can’t believe it is already November. Well, in honor of my ‘birthday month,’ I thought that I would compile a list of “40 Things To Do Before 40.” I only have 9 years to accomplish all of this so if YOU can help in a...
Love it!!! :)
What Are You Pointing At?
I was browsing through my fotos recently and I noticed a little theme going on... (Laura in Leipzig, Germany. September 2010) (Laura in Graz, Austria. July 2007) (Laura in Pisa, Italy. July 2008) (Laura & Christopher Columbus. Barcelona, Spain. September 2009) (Laura in Assisi, It...
FINALLY a competition worthy participating in! Glad you are treating your transition with humor! Miss you!
A Korean-American in Dresden
(Just a warning that the next few blogs might display some signs of major music dorkiness.) It was my intention to start this blog shortly after 17 August - the day I left my Heimat. I do not want to backtrack too much so I thought that I would commission a one-movement work to tell the story o...
Thanks KPOW!!
I'm hoping to be in NYC sometime in Dec so I'll definitely give you a call! And have you been to Toast recently? They changed their menu and things are way more expensive now. :( Hope you are well!
Roma... Rrroma-ma-ah
Were I to write my memoirs, one day far from now, and I just might, depending on how everything turns out, the organization of the chapters would be easy. I would organize them by location. That is how my memory is organized. Not by event, not by year nor age, but by location. Okinawa. I...
Aww, Ben- we miss you guys, too!!! Start saving so you two can come visit us, but till then, we'll see you in December! :)
Roma... Rrroma-ma-ah
Were I to write my memoirs, one day far from now, and I just might, depending on how everything turns out, the organization of the chapters would be easy. I would organize them by location. That is how my memory is organized. Not by event, not by year nor age, but by location. Okinawa. I...
Hi Joe, no need to feel sad, I'll be back probably before I realize it! Thanks for your support and kind words; I hope to return to NYC a better musician and person. Definitely let me know when you are passing through-
It'll be great to hook up! :)
Roma... Rrroma-ma-ah
Were I to write my memoirs, one day far from now, and I just might, depending on how everything turns out, the organization of the chapters would be easy. I would organize them by location. That is how my memory is organized. Not by event, not by year nor age, but by location. Okinawa. I...
Roma... Rrroma-ma-ah
Were I to write my memoirs, one day far from now, and I just might, depending on how everything turns out, the organization of the chapters would be easy. I would organize them by location. That is how my memory... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2010 at BCM Blog
Jon, what a beautiful story! I'm sure those kids will never forget that day, as I'm sure neither will you or Charlie. What a wonderful way to enrich your tour and extend good will not only with your music, but with your kindness as well. Good luck in Turkey and I look forward to more stories!
Jon Wikan Blog 2: Litchi Mobile - Bangladesh June 6
GUEST POST BY JON WIKAN We're in one of the poorest, most congested countries on earth. What a trip! The people are so nice you can't believe it. There is virtually no tourism. I took our bandleader Charlie out for a trip since I had been scoping the scene for a few days. I started by takin...
Oh wow- this is definitely most awesome! Hope he makes more- esp. for those of us that can't make the show tonight! (Have a good one by the way!)
Hey porter
Secret Society co-conspirator Jon Wikan is the kind of guy who really makes the DIY aesthetic a way of life. For instance, when his family's home in Ellensburg, Washington was flooded last year, he insisted on flying out to do the repairs himself, laying down all-new floors, electrical wiring,...
d0nnatr0y is now following Account Deleted
May 10, 2010
"Much needed for a Monday morning" ... or Tuesday, or any morning
bottomless cup of coffee, originally uploaded by Orbiting Sol. Yes... I think this pic just about sums it all up! Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2010 at BCM Blog
d0nnatr0y is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
When The Saints Go Marching
photo by JoeTaravella. In honor of yesterday's New Orleans's Saints Superbowl win... and because next week is winter break here in NYC and I never assign homework over breaks... and because last weekend finished up recitals and I like to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at BCM Blog
When The Saints Go Marching
photo by JoeTaravella. In honor of yesterday's New Orleans's Saints Superbowl win... and because next week is winter break here in NYC and I never assign homework over breaks... and because last weekend finished up recitals and I like to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at BCM Blog
d0nnatr0y is now following Nate Chinen
Feb 6, 2010
Hey Greg,
Good for you for getting in 8 bars a day. I think that's fantastic! Also, thanks for sharing the Brookmeyer advice. I'd do well to heed it, esp. #2. I often feel I stick to long with stuff I shouldn't. In fact, I have a good 4 or 5 tunes that I started YEARS ago that I still have intentions of finishing that I should probably just let go! Thanks for sharing your thoughts- good luck with the grant!
The Creative Genius
Creativity frustrates me. It is a fickle friend prone to mood changes like no woman I know (including myself!). Attempts to summon and control it are futile and it has an odd sense of humor as to when it chooses to show up (yes, I was extremely creative when it came to making and decorating co...
The Creative Genius
Creativity frustrates me. It is a fickle friend prone to mood changes like no woman I know (including myself!). Attempts to summon and control it are futile and it has an odd sense of humor as to when it chooses... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at BCM Blog
d0nnatr0y is now following Laura Poe
Jan 15, 2010
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