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Liked your post but not the part where you seem to be linking the party of Chinese folks to the negative experience. I am sure you were just trying to be funny but it there was something unsettling about it, esp. the repeated mentions and them and their non-English class.
Other than that, funny post and glad you made it out of there. Kudos to your sense of corporate responsibility but sorry it backfired on you.
I'm Surprisingly OK With Crabs but Would Prefer Not to Leave with Lice or Bedbugs.
I had a meeting this morning 3.5 hours from my house. Normally I would drive down the night before, stay at my favorite Courtyard by Marriott 10 minutes from the customer's facility and be happy as can be but I had to pick up a coworker at the train station in New Haven. I know what you think w...
Swing is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 2, 2012
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