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Dear Mike Evans, My name is Rick Fox and you don’t know me from Adam, well you actually know Adam from your Bible reading. My mom has been a long time supporter and admirer of you. Something about the Jerusalem prayer team. Anyway she sends me your books for Christmas and my birthday. I have to confess I’ve never read one, even though I have multiple copies of most of them. This Christmas she sent me the Light. I was in Israel over Christmas and New Years so it was opened on my return. My mom kept calling and said I should read the Light as it is a true story based on your life. She said that you had had the same type of encounters with angels that I have had and that there was something in the book for me. Since my mom was so insistent and made me promise to read the book, I have fulfilled that promise. And wow, what a read!!! The reason that I am writing is that I’ve been on the backside of the desert (both literally and figuratively) for 14 years ending November 22, 2011. I guess the Lord sent me to Israel as a coming out party. He sent me through Germany as on my first trip in April of 1978. I went with Derek Prince and a small ministry team. We had been ministering at a conference Derek had at the General Walker hotel outside of Berchtesgaden, Germany. It’s purpose was that German believers who were ex Nazi were being reconciled to the Messianic Jews on our team. I believe this last trip was the Lord bringing me “full circle”. In the spring of 2011 the Lord started showing me three men that He is using in this season. You were one and the other two were Glenn Beck and Jim Bakker. I believe he showed me that these other two were “voices crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”. I also believe that I was shown that Glenn Beck has an apostolic calling for these last days and had been assigned to you. My interest in the restoration of the apostles and prophets began with a word and message the Father gave me in 1973/74. The word was “that in the last days the church would miss the apostles the same way the Jews missed my Son because they expect them to do something different than why there were sent.” For the most part I have set on the message I was given because the times I have shared it, it has not been well received. My resistance to share I’m sure is part of the reason for my dessert experience. I know this, in 2012 the Lord is bringing Divine Order to His church. Most present church leaders are either hirelings or sincere brothers who have never seen the Divine Architect’s blueprint for His government and ministry. I know from your book that you are trusted by the Lord. I don’t know if what I’ve shared means anything to you, but as I pray for the peace of Jerusalem I will also pray for you. If my name should come up in your prayer time with the Lord please pray that I will understand His next move for my life. In Christ’s name, Rick Fox
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Feb 6, 2012
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Feb 6, 2012