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A Facebook User
Recent Activity
Liked both of you on Facebook, and shared the post. Awesome giveaway! anne (dot) chaconas (at) gmail (dot) com.
Crazy Awesome: Coloraturo Blocks (and a Giveaway!)
****Giveaway is closed! Congrats to Jane Little, our winner!*** I'm always delighted to support companies that are all about promoting open-ended and creative play. Especially companies who are also well-versed in the benefits of Reggio Emelia (my hands-down, current favorite early childhoo...
Done and done. Shared, liked, and liked. I only wish you were also giving away the Coloraturo. LOVE.
Crazy Awesome: Coloraturo Blocks (and a Giveaway!)
****Giveaway is closed! Congrats to Jane Little, our winner!*** I'm always delighted to support companies that are all about promoting open-ended and creative play. Especially companies who are also well-versed in the benefits of Reggio Emelia (my hands-down, current favorite early childhoo...
A Facebook User is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2012
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