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Perfect. this is all so perfect. i would even say it's beyond perfect--in THAT place. and so i was moved to open my own copy of WWRWW and read "It's not by accident that the pristine wilderness of our planet disappears as the understanding of our own inner wild nature fades." which speaks to me loud and clear. very instructive especially in light of my recent yet on-going angst over global defilement. and what i'm seeing is that i have not been tending the home fires with as much diligence as required. this is just wonderful. as i'm finishing this, a tiny spider is walking up the monitor, settling over Marti's comment. what more affirmation could there be? much love.
279 we can choose the form, any or all. there is one that fits us like skin
thinking how we look for answers about very Unknowable things....and really, believing that any and all the Belief Systems, Religions, etc are equal as a way and this morning remembering something from Women Who Run With The Wolves Clarissa speaking of Wild Woman ...
yay! i've already said it in email to you, but again--looking for the godthing. love that. and the crane cloth. so absolutely FULL of the wonder of it all. thank you for you.
278 early....then, Later
whatever else goes on with this Cloth, this will remain. that accidental but Perfect representation of Butterflies. ...........~.......... ...
a test
278 early....then, Later
whatever else goes on with this Cloth, this will remain. that accidental but Perfect representation of Butterflies. ...........~.......... ...
patricia is now following Ayn Hanna
Feb 4, 2013
patricia is now following Margaret Johnson
Jan 13, 2013
patricia added a favorite at windthread
Dec 8, 2012
i love muslin--work with it almost exclusively--and i really resonate with old and faded. it's a good thing!
the Grieving cloth
finished. now it will rest until the other cloth is finished and then will travel a while. It will be interesting to have it gone and then return. We have work to do, this cloth and i, together. Much of the scraps that i love are from Deb Lacativa...that greeeeeeeeen damask, the Sun a...
WOW. woman of wonder. WOW. now i can only say this is beautiful--beauty full. the lines from the grass, the hair, the butterfly legs and then the threads --my eye is gliding around it all in delight. love this movement. and the colors of cloth are sublime. i don't want to speak in hyperbole, especially about the grieving cloth, but i'm feeling joy and movement here. she is definitely moving on.
the Grieving cloth
finished. now it will rest until the other cloth is finished and then will travel a while. It will be interesting to have it gone and then return. We have work to do, this cloth and i, together. Much of the scraps that i love are from Deb Lacativa...that greeeeeeeeen damask, the Sun a...
i'm remembering the first breeding we had. the doe was receptive but the buck was clueless as to which end was up. it started snowing and things really settled--sound was muffled--emotions were high. my sister started crying saying it all remind her of something out of Dr. Zhivago. i'm remembering now how freezing cold my hands were, the quiet, the white goats finally figuring it out--their pleasure and ours.
btw, i have a blog now--
One by one...Goat by goat
i was very dissatisfied about yesterday's Goat post. it really didn't say much. so, i'm thinking, Goat by goat. This is Sunny Ray. pic taken last month. Son of Ginger, brother to Cinderella. first batch born here, April 17th. Although we haven't sent dna info to UC Davis yet, it's alm...
this is all so good. goats/cloth as metaphor for life! and speaking of life, have you bred yet for spring births?
One by one...Goat by goat
i was very dissatisfied about yesterday's Goat post. it really didn't say much. so, i'm thinking, Goat by goat. This is Sunny Ray. pic taken last month. Son of Ginger, brother to Cinderella. first batch born here, April 17th. Although we haven't sent dna info to UC Davis yet, it's alm...
Looking forward to this-- a LOT. will the other classes still be available?
What is What If?
I just want to talk about it, this thing I now call What If Diaries(?). It is not a class, it is more like a resource. It is a lot of things. Scraps of self. There are steps to be taken to have this Happen. Layers. But firstly, I will be reopening my What If (?) blog, under a n...
huge transition time for you--your mother, official retirement, aftermath of sandy--yet through it all the common denominator--your cloth. changing, yes, but always there as ground.
when i first read this post, my heart leaped into my throat--retire--surely not from THIS--from teaching and sharing. was almost hesitant to continue reading, but did so w/relief. wondering about your comment "nothing changed my creative work more than having to sell it?"
and love the madder moon.
Lining things up in December
It is interesting how things might line up either with or without intention. I think art might simply be the result of persistent attention. Resulting from arranging things with purpose or noticing how things are arranged and then telling the story of how amazing that is. In ...
goats and people aren't too different now that i ponder your words. my grandson says no, goes off to think about it, then comes back and says, "ok let's do it." my agenda is not his. the goat's agenda--how lucky they are that you've figured this out. well, in fact how lucky you are!
Update ~ Goats
i was going to put words to each of these pics but it's too much. so, just the pics. ok. this is one afternoon. November 30, 2012 in the BackFront. What am I DOING with these goats? Answer: I don't know. Acey said this to me about her experience with goats many ye...
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