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hahahahaa very funny, when I saw it for first time I could not stop laughing and now either haha and I would like to see David Foster like a pay per head agent, that would be even more hilarious
Toggle Commented Jun 22, 2012 on David Foster Wallace Playing Tennis at hello typepad
1 reply
well to be honest I think that in fact San Francisco is the baseball town, I mean look at the big baseball clubs that there are in San Francisco, and not only it is a Baseball town but also a pay per head bookmaking town
1 reply
oh I wish I could have found your blog before to watch England vs Ireland, I really wanted to watch, I even made sure that my online bookmaker friend bet some money on the England's victory
that is a nice thought of you dear Dani, but do you really think that Palestine and Israel would agree on organizing a FIFA world cup?? Soccer is a massive and popular sport and it may foster peace in the Middle East, but they have to be willing too, it is not like horseracing system, it is a more complex matter
Toggle Commented May 27, 2012 on Soccer and Middle East peace at Dani Rodrik's weblog
D is now following mikepop
May 25, 2012
I love soccer, it is my favorite sport of all and I always get excited when a new season is about to start, my idol Mia Ham was such a good player and she is the reason why i became a sports bookmaker because she indirectly gave me a job with her good performances that helped USA won the world cup
Toggle Commented May 26, 2012 on Soccer Season at particlewave
D is now following The Typepad Team
May 10, 2012