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Jul 8, 2010
Looks like a fun place! Just FYI...we'll be camping out at Inks Lake from 5/22-5/28 if you guys want to make a side trip to visit. We may actually go to Fiesta Texas one day while we are there...not sure which a day trip. sister is looking at a place in Kyle for her wedding "The Windham" I think. Any thoughts on that place? Her other choice is in Round Rock. She says RR has more options for hotels and eating out/rehearsal dinner. Any suggestions for Kyle? Email me!
Toggle Commented May 4, 2010 on more campout pics at Out My Back Window
Love this picture!! They are so cute! We get new pajamas for Christmas *sometimes*...but not usually as a gift to open...that would probably be much more fun! Maybe I'll join in the tradition next year! :)
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2010 on a yearly tradition at Out My Back Window is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 4, 2010