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Annie Grey
Recent Activity
Robin, I have been reading your books for a few months now and love them. I was thrilled to find out you are a Boisean. I am too, however am currently in S.C. with my husband who is a Marine. Thank you so much for your books which have offered encouragement and guilt-free entertainment! I just recently stumbled on the Writes of Passage blog and have truly enjoyed that too. I am now looking forward to following along with you on a journey of Thanksgiving. Thank you for reminding me that my blessings FAR outweigh any of the other stuff! I, too, have a blog if you have some "free" time! Thank you again for the blessing you and your writing has been to me! Love wins, Annie
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2010 on Giving Thanks 2010: Day 3 at Thanksgiving Journal
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Annie Grey is now following Robin Lee Hatcher
Jan 5, 2010
Annie Grey is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 5, 2010