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A dozen of the 60 first involved dropped out and it didn't say why. I would think most anyone would drop out if it's not helping because it's so time consuming. My research shows this is also a cure for depression. I have been able to explain every supposed difference between people with fibromyalgia and everyone else; usually its a known change from depression or chronic pain. I imagine a lot of people could be helped by having a quiet time every day; I'n tuned in and waiting for the double blind results here.
New Israeli Treatment For Fibromyalgia Helped 100% Of Sufferers In New Study
A clinical trial involving women diagnosed with fibromyalgia showed the painful condition improved in every one of the 48 who completed two months of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Brain scans of the women before and after treatment gave credence to the theory that abnormal conditions in pain-rela...
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Jun 15, 2015
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