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Tesla does not use permanent magnets in its motors at all. Nikola Tesla invented the induction (asynchronous) motor.
Tohoku U team produces rare-earth-free high quality Fe-Ni magnet with simple industrial technology
Researchers from Tohoku University in Japan have succeeded in producing a completely rare-earth free high-quality Fe-Ni magnet. The team, led by Professor Akihiro Makino as principal investigator is supported by a MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) proj...
Jeffgreen54, your math is off. 480 VAC line to line is 277 VAC from line to neutral. For three phase, 150000 / 277 / 3 = 180 amps. You calculated for 480 VAC single phase, which like unicorns.
ABB joins CharIN; taking Combined Charging System to the next level; 150 kW demos, targeting 350 kW
The Charging Interface Initiative association (CharIN) announced earlier this month that ABB has been granted core membership in the association. CharIN was founded by Audi, BMW, Daimler, Mennekes, Opel, Phoenix Contact, Porsche, TÜV SÜD and Volkswagen to focus on developing and establishing the...
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Jul 24, 2015
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