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kitai, that's what online courses are for. If you sign up to ATTEND a class and the course expectations state that you need to ATTEND the class for credit, as the OP's apparently do, then that's what you need to do. No professor or teacher wants to hear, "I can do it just fine on my own, I don't need to come to class," because, inevitably, some of those who say that miss out on something crucial and then kick themselves in the rear for not attending in the first place. Maybe the OP has a particular learning style or methodology she wants her students to use? Maybe there are concepts that are not clearly presented in the book and can be better described in person. When it comes to education, I prefer to give the educator the benefit of the doubt on whether or not you should attend. If you don't think you need to, take another section or an online course.
Entitled Custy Hell: I Paid Tuition So I Should Get An A!
From: The Teach I teach college courses and supplement my income working in a retail store - so I get the shit from both barrels. The university I teach for is known for an exceptionally clueless and entitled student body - too many fucking out of state slackers who picked their school mostly...
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Aug 6, 2015
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