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joe allegretti
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Have read several Judge Dee books and liked them all. Have to get to this one soon.
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I blame my ever-growing TBR pile on you! Every time I come here I end up discovering a new book I need to read.
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As a kid I went from reading The Hardy Boys to Sherlock Holmes (with the Hound my first book) and then to Nero Wolfe. I've left the Boys behind but never left Holmes or Wolfe.
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You're right, Les. These type of books make me slow down--which is something I sorely need in today's world.
Toggle Commented Aug 30, 2016 on "A Silent Witness" at Classic Mysteries
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I read my first Dr. Thorndyke about a year ago and find myself returning to him every few months. There's something about the old-fashioned writing style that appeals to me.
Toggle Commented Aug 30, 2016 on "A Silent Witness" at Classic Mysteries
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This sounds fascinating. McBain before McBain... I can't say enough about the great work publishers like Dean Street are doing.
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2016 on "Richardson's First Case" at Classic Mysteries
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I'm sure all the Non-Fiction nominees are deserving, but I have to admit that my sentimental favorite is the Martin Edwards book, which was responsible for reigniting my interest in GAD fiction. What a fine book!
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Although I love some of the novels--especially The Doorbell Rang--I've always thought that Stout was at his best in the novella length.
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2016 on "Not Quite Dead Enough" at Classic Mysteries
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Liked this one a lot. Good mystery with well-drawn characters and a quirky sense of humor. I will be reading more by Jerrold. joe allegretti
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I'd like to try some of the British LIbrary Crime Classics but don't know where to start. Do you have one or two suggestions that you really like? joe allegretti
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joe allegretti is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 16, 2015