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You're right that Jesus' main purpose was to give us forgiveness for our sins so that we could make it back to God, but I think part of doing that does include loving eachother. He came to forgive but he also taught that in order to receive forgiveness, we must turn from our sinful lives. We have to die to ourselves the way he died on the cross. Then, just as he rose again, we have to be born again into a new life of love for God and for eachother. So in a way, Jesus' message was about loving eachother. It's a necessary part of being a follower of his. I think that's why love was the main theme of the movie. I'd like to discuss this thought further if anyone is interested. Feel free to email me. I thought the movie was great btw. My email is [email protected]
Risen – The Movie
We (most of the STR office staff) just got back from seeing the movie Risen. I think it’s one of the best Christian movies I’ve seen, and it’s a movie that would be interesting (and not embarrassing) to bring a non-Christian to. There’s one omission, but it’s a significant one. The Roman tribune...
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Feb 26, 2016
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