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Well said, Chuck. The best things in life should not be zero sum game. Thanks for sharing.
On Being Happy
From time to time, I am preoccupied with a simple question: why are we all here? Perhaps the same thought nags at you as well. I prefer answers that are simple and direct, and don't require invoking a cosmological constant. It wasn't until later in life that I came up with an answer that works ...
Very interesting product/service, Chuck. Even though I am an old school infrastructure guy, I still totally understand the appeal of the pure OPEX model whilst still be able to "touch the iron" on premise. This can potentially overcome the barriers to the public cloud faced by businesses that have to operate within the confines of certain regulated industries (e.g. online gambling operators who much operate out of specific geographic jurisdictions).
Who do I talk to about real business opportunities for the Cloud Machine, especially in Asia?
Yes, Something Very New Has Come Along
If you're a grizzled infrastructure guy like me, you're completely justified in your skepticism when any vendor claims to have announced something Truly NewTM. I mean, how many flash arrays, converged thingies, etc. does the world need? Because we tend to focus on the underlying technology, w...
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May 11, 2016
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