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Flutilicious, I want to apologize. I did not realize that Crystal Pepsi was back and I spoke sharply to you for no good reason. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
Product Flops: Pepsi AM
The iconic drink Pepsi was first introduced as ‘Brad’s Drink’ in 1893. It was later renamed to Pepsi Cola in 1898, after the enzyme pepsin and Kola. Would you like to have soda drinks in the morning for breakfast? No, right? Well, Pepsi probably didn’t ask this question to anyone. In 1989,...
Well, gee, Flutilicious, do you think that's maybe because THEY DON'T MAKE IT ANYMORE?
Product Flops: Pepsi AM
The iconic drink Pepsi was first introduced as ‘Brad’s Drink’ in 1893. It was later renamed to Pepsi Cola in 1898, after the enzyme pepsin and Kola. Would you like to have soda drinks in the morning for breakfast? No, right? Well, Pepsi probably didn’t ask this question to anyone. In 1989,...
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Aug 11, 2016
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