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Bump up the scale on this slice and it would make a ridiculously awesome floor cushion for lounging. I could see it paired with some plush Pepperoni slice pillows! It's a wonderful sewing project.
I've just recently found your website. I'm a little (ahem) older than your target market so yes, some of the fashion advice and such is not aimed at me, but the bright, happy vibe of the site and the gorgeous photos still inspire me. I'm a writer. I've had some negative reviews of my books, but a negative review is quite different than a "hate" review. The "hate" reviews reveal more about the miserable life of the reviewer than the subject matter of the books. Your advice is excellent, but I'd also add: Don't respond. Many, MANY of the haters are trying to push your buttons. They actually feel a sense of accomplishment when they get a reaction. Don't fall for that. Take the high road. Be gracious. Be respectful. Be the adult with a conscience.
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Sep 21, 2016