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Jofur-they did not. In an effort tto save money, NASA began recycling old tapes. As near as they can figure, the original copy of the moon landing was taped over at some point.
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Hello, yes, I'd like a ham, mushroom, and Soylent green please.
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That's the spawn of Satan
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No, no, this is a tobacconist. We sell tobacco. Ahh!!! I will not buy this tobacconist, IT is scratched!
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In that case, skip the urinal and use a stall.
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That is a valid use for that syringe. Also feeding lab puppies charcoal.
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That's more like 40cc in a 50cc ORAL syringe. If you push that plunger, that needle is going to fly across the room!
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For Jofur: black yellow green red, can I take my friend to bed?
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Huh. I have understood all my life that mint chocolate chip ice cream is peppermint flavored ice cream with chocolate chips, and it's an extremely common flavor. Maybe it's a regional thing?
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Stevie Wonder has a wonderful, quirky sense of humor. This doesn't surprise me, he liked to make blind jokes.
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Or, you could get some athlete's foot cream at the drug store and kill the skin fungus with actual medicine.
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Or,if you're looking for a light healthy meal, don't go to some place named after mass production of heavy desserts.
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It was a casino, and the practice started back in the 50s or 60s when proper ladies wore white gloves when out in public. Apparently playing the slots was a formal affair.
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Officer Dick is going to be teased about that til he retires.
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I think if you really try to be dirty minded, his nose looks like a tiny penis and testicles.
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Dollar General is just cheap, not an everything-is-a-dollar store.
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I'm going to tell myself it's a slug crawling into the cup. More appetizing that way.
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"We could not done it without your support" is correct?? Someone needs to English better.
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I figured out how to comment just so I could tell you I read this whole post in Rod Serling's voice. Well played.
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It's on a waffle
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May 17, 2017