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Jofur-they did not. In an effort tto save money, NASA began recycling old tapes. As near as they can figure, the original copy of the moon landing was taped over at some point.
Tech Support Hell: Should Have Prioritized
From Anonymous, Rinkworks Back in the 70s, disk drives were about the size of washing machines. One type had two disk platters: one was embedded and could not be removed except by a technician, and the other was in a large plastic shell and was easily removable. Each platter held five megabyt...
Hello, yes, I'd like a ham, mushroom, and Soylent green please.
You Had One Job: Our New Line Is Soylent Pizza
That's the spawn of Satan
You Had One Job: That's Not A Bee!
No, no, this is a tobacconist. We sell tobacco.
Ahh!!! I will not buy this tobacconist, IT is scratched!
Funny Customer Moments: Excuse me. I look for cider?
From u/JammyThing Tales From Retail: Thought it might nice to post a funny story on here for change. I was working on shop floor when a girl in her early twenties approaches me, she smiles and says “Excuse me. I look for cider?” The store I work at is in a town of mixed ethnicities and varyi...
In that case, skip the urinal and use a stall.
Found in an Employee Bathroom Stall
That is a valid use for that syringe. Also feeding lab puppies charcoal.
#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob: Seeing A Needle That Big Still Sends Me Into Fits!
I don’t know wtf is going on here, is someone injecting 10cc of tomato juice into an 8 year old’s deltoid? #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob— Dianna Holtz (@DiannaHoltz) July 14, 2018
That's more like 40cc in a 50cc ORAL syringe. If you push that plunger, that needle is going to fly across the room!
#BadStockPhotosOfMyJob: Seeing A Needle That Big Still Sends Me Into Fits!
I don’t know wtf is going on here, is someone injecting 10cc of tomato juice into an 8 year old’s deltoid? #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob— Dianna Holtz (@DiannaHoltz) July 14, 2018
For Jofur: black yellow green red, can I take my friend to bed?
Crazy "Lady" Encounters: "That's The Number Of Death! I'm Not Paying That!"
From u/Savannargh, TalesFromRetail I work in a New Age store. You see all kinds in there. From people who want nice-smelling incense, to people who genuinely believe buying chunks of rose quartz and red candles with "Come to Me" emblazoned on them will make their soulmate appear. I'll admit I...
Huh. I have understood all my life that mint chocolate chip ice cream is peppermint flavored ice cream with chocolate chips, and it's an extremely common flavor. Maybe it's a regional thing?
Ice Cream Shop Hell: "Is your mint chip made with vanilla ice cream?"
From u/soupor_saiyan Tales From Retail: So I work at an ice cream shop and have many tales from my several years working there. One that stood out for me today was a man who didn’t seem to know what mint ice cream was. I was serving him and his wife and out of the blue he just asks me this q...
Stevie Wonder has a wonderful, quirky sense of humor. This doesn't surprise me, he liked to make blind jokes.
Vintage Ads: Stevie Wonder and Atari
From u/CussedEgo Atari Ad featuring Stevie Wonder (1981)
Or, you could get some athlete's foot cream at the drug store and kill the skin fungus with actual medicine.
Tales From The Clinic: Curing Ringworm
From Hiedi: Recently, I had this 22 year old come into to our clinic. And I won the lottery to see him. His chief complaint was a rash on right forearm that had been there about 2 weeks. This was his first visit for the issue, and hadn't had anything like this before and was worried. When ...
Because Hooooot Pocket
Retail Hell Memories: That time I received a complaint over a Hot Pockets coupon
From Random_Imgur_User, Tales From Retail: So this happened a while back when I was still fairly new to all this, but I like telling the story so here goes. I was on my lane like any other day. Giving my pre-recorded "Happy Associate" speech that we all have. Nothing special. My store has th...
Someone call Inyigo Montoya.
Crappy Design: This six-fingered hand on a McDonald’s self serve counter
From falconbiscuit
Or,if you're looking for a light healthy meal, don't go to some place named after mass production of heavy desserts.
The Entitlement Complex: Let Us Begin With The Peanuts' "Wah Wah Wah" Horn Noises
So she's complaining that they give her too much food, too many options, and whipped cream on their desserts? Is it really so hard to say 'no whipped cream on my cheesecake?' I'm confused as to why any of this is a problem. --Entitlement is still a Disease
It was a casino, and the practice started back in the 50s or 60s when proper ladies wore white gloves when out in public. Apparently playing the slots was a formal affair.
Crazy Ladies: "This dollar is dirty"
From AstralMango, Tales From Retail: So this isn't much of a story, but as I hardly work on the checkout, this is my first bizarre customer! I work in grocery mostly and I was putting items on the shelves until I got called to checkout. Okay, that's fine. I'll just get through some customers...
Officer Dick is going to be teased about that til he retires.
Tales From The Front Desk: We Can't Make This Up
From LokoManiac, Tales From The Front Desk I work at the front desk of a hotel located on a college campus. Smallish, but a nice job. I am a student while working, so I have what I like to call the "sleeper" shift; the shift where people are either falling asleep, or getting shit faced (betwe...
I think if you really try to be dirty minded, his nose looks like a tiny penis and testicles.
Cake Mistakes: I'm Not Sure Where To Start With This Nonsense
Dollar General is just cheap, not an everything-is-a-dollar store.
Customer Service Comebacks: You're Clearly Going To Dollar General For More Than Just Soda, Dude
$70-$100 per WEEK at a dollar store?! Everything is $1. $1 per single item. If we're not including tax, that's 70-100 items per week! Knock off 6-10 two liters of soda, come on, that's approximately 60-90 OTHER items from the dollar store! What's he buying? Where's he putting this shit?! --H...
I'm going to tell myself it's a slug crawling into the cup. More appetizing that way.
Cake Mistakes: a Cup of Poo?
From potatocharlie: This cake at Fred Meyer...
"We could not done it without your support" is correct?? Someone needs to English better.
English is Hard: I think it's the English department that needs support
From SteveNashedPotatoes
I figured out how to comment just so I could tell you I read this whole post in Rod Serling's voice. Well played.
Toxic Managers: The Tale of Dudebro the Manager
Hey there, folks! Stepford Snarker here with another tale of terror. Submitted for your approval, I present to you the tale of Dudebro. There's some managers you enjoy working with. They're decent, reasonable people who actually give a damn about the people they work with. These managers are...
It's on a waffle
Kroger Packaging Fail: Butter Syrup
From 1paper
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