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This is so lovely, it almost made me cry. You're such a sweet mum. And teenagers are teenagers :) She'll have a brilliant time, she'll have her ups and downs as we all do, but she'll have the confidence that comes with knowing that she's loved unconditionally and can always come home. There are many gifts you'll've given her, but that's the key. I'm sure she realises it now, but it's a gift that seems to grow and get better with age. Enjoy your time together this summer.
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This made me smile - I am literally knitting a dress for a LCR at the moment for almost the same reasons. Sometimes you just need to knit something nice from a well written pattern. It's relaxing and satisfying in all the right ways. (I posted a pic on Instagram earlier this week saying almost exactly that) While you are relaxing with other people's patterns, I am relaxing with yours :) (And I am a bit worried that I'm not really able to knit anything *but* your patterns now.)
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2017 on In need of an intervention? at Little Cotton Rabbits
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Jul 30, 2017