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Hi - I really like this website, and I have been sharing the link to this particular post with my family members every time I tell them about my plan to try SIPs this year on my balcony. However, what I really want to be sending them is a very simple, very short step-by-step guide, like this:
And I know you have minor variations on the bubble SIP (overflow tube in the drainage hole/overflow tube out the side) so if you made a list of where to find instructions for all those variations, it would make it insanely easier to share all this knowledge with my friends via social media too.
Is This The Future of California Front Yards?
The media is overflowing with drought doom articles. With an ongoing drought crisis a daily reality, is this the future of California lawns? I'm sure the neighbors love this...not. I have spent a lot of time over the years mowing and caring for lawns and now think they are a bad idea. This, ho...
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May 10, 2015
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