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I was gifted a PL kit when my daughter was born to document her first year and I'm hooked! Unfortunately I ran out of the 4x6 pages pretty quick because I loved picture-only spreads so that put my creativity on hold until I could order more. Now I need to go back and fill in from September on. I think I might have to continue into her second year (she's now a year old) because it's so much fun!
starting project life
I never thought I would say it, but I've become a scrapbooker. I ended up with a whole Project Life setup after going on an anger buying spree at Micheal's during my lunch break. I was having a bad day and wanted to buy some yarn. The scrapbooking supplies were closer to the door, though, so t...
D is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 5, 2015
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