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Recent Activity
Long-time lurker from glaciology, with a novel approach to communicate the 2015 minimum and the overall declines in sea ice:
Thanks Neven and all contributors for the great + informative discussions, and I second (third?) the comments of Cato and Witold above.
2015 minimum overview, part 1
A week has passed by since the melting season ended and the minimum on all sea ice extent and area graphs has been reached. During this week I've been collecting images that show various aspects of this year's melting story, which will be accompanied by short explanations/interpretations. Such a...
Long-time lurker from glaciology, with a novel approach to communicate the 2015 minimum and the overall declines in sea ice:
Thanks Neven and all contributors for the great + informative discussions, and I second (third?) the comments of Cato and Witold above.
2015 minimum overview, part 1
A week has passed by since the melting season ended and the minimum on all sea ice extent and area graphs has been reached. During this week I've been collecting images that show various aspects of this year's melting story, which will be accompanied by short explanations/interpretations. Such a...
D is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 25, 2015
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