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Hello! I just heard about ur book and plan on reading it before I do
IM chattanooga in 2016. What I haven't been
Able to figure out in my years of training and
working full time is how to balance both.
I am on my feet all day and my job involves
a lot of physical activity(lifting/pushing up to 50 pounds,
climbing ladders, squatting etc)
Anything in ur book about this? If not can u
recommend one of ur books that may help
me balance work and training?
What It Takes to be Fast After 50
By now you may be aware of my latest book—Fast After 50—being in print. In February it will also be ready to go as an ebook. This project started out as a birthday present to myself. I was approaching my 70th birthday and that number was scary for some reason. I was afraid of rapidly decreasing ...
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Nov 11, 2015
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