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Format: I want to make a semi-formal citation of a *section* of a chapter and am totally confused by the unexpected intricacies of chapter citation, and all of the sources seem to stop citation at the chapter level. The purpose of citing anything is to point readers directly at an information source, which is what I want to do. The closest to a *chapter section* citation that I've found comes from the EasyBib MLA style chapter citation examples at Last, First M. "Section Title." Book/Anthology. City: Publisher, Year Published. Website Title. Web. Day Month Year Accessed. Examples: Serviss, Garrett P. "A Trip of Terror." A Columbus of Space. New York: Appleton, 1911. 17-32. Google Books Web. 16 Mar. 2010. Evans, Dave."Chapter 4: Web 2.0, The Social Web." Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2008. N. pag. Google Books. 21 Dec. 2012. So building on the last example above, a simple example might go like: Doodle, John. "Chapter 4: The Funtown Fair"; "The Big Day Arrives." *Blinky's Adventures in Funtown*. ** accessed 1/1/2015. The semicolon is used to distinguish the chapter section titled "The Big Day Arrives" from the numbered chapter titled "The Funtown Fair" with separate quotes in case either title contains semicolons. This will serve what I want to communicate, but posting this to double-check if there really *isn't* a cleaner method for citing chapter sections. Thanks in advance.
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Nov 16, 2015