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"If Donald Trump dropped out of the race for personal reasons and the Republicans renominated Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, how would you vote?"
Not the most exciting suggestion, but I'd like to see some issue polling on abortion, gay marriage, single-payer health care, immigration, and trade, (realistically, ANY of those would interesting to see) just to take the temperature of the electorate at the unofficial start of the GE. In fact, I'd be very interested in seeing a stand alone issues poll with 10-12 questions sometime between now and the conventions, but I realize polling isn't cheap. Maybe you could convince a couple private clients to chip-in on things.
National Poll Question Suggestions
I think we're pretty much done polling the primaries. The GOP contest is over, and the Democratic one functionally is. If private clients want to hire us to do polls on the remaining contests we will, but for our public polling we're going to start looking toward the general. We're going to kick...
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May 6, 2016
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