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Is this article trying to prove that autism is 100% genetic.? That vaccines never cause autism? That vaccines are all safe and effective. That a 60 year old man who is non-verbal and in diapers is the same as a man who is married with children and acts a little quirky on Sunday afternoons?
This article is as believable as an elephant riding a tricycle doing a paw stand on the handle bars, all the while eating tea and crumpets.
Maurine Meleck
Ponte Vedra FL, USA
Dachel Wake Up: Hidden Horde in UK?
July 30, 2016, UK Daily Mail: Research thousands of British men have gone undiagnosed with Autism So is your impossible husband actually autistic? Research reveals thousands of British men have gone undiagnosed. By Rachel Ellis Undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorder may be cause of marriage ...
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Aug 1, 2016
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