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Need help please. After the update, when my farm was loaded, my workshops shows an arrow saying it needs an upgrade but it was already level 6, so as my other level 5 workshops. When I clear cache and load my game, i was rolled back to level 1, my current progress that time was lvl105. I send 6 tickets to zynga support, but no response until now, even with the automated reply. Been doing the troubleshoot forever but it is still not synching. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
The Confectionery Showdown!
There's a cooking competition coming to your farm and you've been invited to compete! You'll be given a theme on each phase that you'll need to bring to life through your baking! If you are at least Level 12, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Confectionery Showdown! You will need to fo...
D is now following The Typepad Team
May 22, 2017
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