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Dodge /RAM has built a truck like this since 2009; just discontinued it for 2018 though. Sales numbers?? They never promoted the 'R/T' and don't even mention it in the sales brochures. You have to know about it, then try to find one. It's a subset of the 'Sport' line and is a 2-door, 2 seat only, short box 2WD variant. It comes loaded; even has bright 22" wheels. I own one and couldn't be happier. It hauls, gets good mileage and is unique.
Georgia Dealer Makes Modern Ford F-150 Lightning
It wasn't so long ago that all the major pickup truck makers had a performance-oriented sport truck ready to run neck and neck with any modified pony car looking for some competition. Of course, for many casual observers, the sport truck has had its day, with entries from Ram (SRT-10), Chev...
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Oct 5, 2017
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