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An adjustment of a previous question:
What do you consider a bigger threat to the United States going forward.. ISIS, the national debt, or Wall Street greed?
South Carolina and North Carolina Question Suggestions
Once the debates this week on Thursday and Saturday have passed we'll go into the field with polls in South Carolina and North Carolina on Sunday. Obviously we'll ask all the basic Presidential stuff, and Governor and Senate stuff in North Carolina. What questions/topics should we cover on these...
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of socialism?
South Carolina and North Carolina Question Suggestions
Once the debates this week on Thursday and Saturday have passed we'll go into the field with polls in South Carolina and North Carolina on Sunday. Obviously we'll ask all the basic Presidential stuff, and Governor and Senate stuff in North Carolina. What questions/topics should we cover on these...
D is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 11, 2016
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