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Hi Chelsea
I would like to ask if I am having sentence separated by semicolon, shall I put 2 parentheses or just one, if both refers to the SAME source?
Opt 1: Brackets and parentheses contains info about the sources (Lee, 2013); only one set of parentheses is used in most cases (Lee, 2013).
Opt 2: Brackets and parentheses contains info about the sources; only one set of parentheses is used in most cases (Lee, 2013).
Thank you very much!
Punctuation Junction: Parentheses and Brackets
by Chelsea Lee Punctuation Junction: A series about what happens when punctuation marks collide. Parentheses and brackets are used to enclose and set off material from the main text. Although writers usually need only one set of parentheses or brackets at a time, for more complex material th...
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Apr 4, 2016
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