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D is now following Andi
Apr 13, 2016
I hope this comment works. But I love Netflix with knitting. Lately I have watched NCIS (never watched it fully before) and Mysteries of Laura. Both cop shows that turn out fin in the end. :) I do want to start listen to audiobooks; I rented one from the library but then remembered I don't have a CD player in my house. haha. So that book must be listened to in the car. I love your socks.
Everything goes better with knitting...
Hello and happy Sunday! Tea- I need all the tea. :) It is Spring! Are you feeling it in your neck of the woods? Here in the Southwest or at least my part the weather has been downright wacky. One day 90, then next day 72 ...and so on. While cruising Flickr I am seeing that there are so pe...
D is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 13, 2016
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