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"Begun in the 1950s with names like..." ...forgot to mention Woolworth's and Kresge.
Very nicely articulated Mr. Gottlieb. As well, this 150 year anniversary means quite a lot to us fans of both real and model trains alike. BTW, does the 2019 toy directory contain a complete listing of toy manufacturers from around the world? Ziggy
I fondly remember my Doctor Kildare kit from the 60's. As a young boy, my parents always wanted me to grow up to become a doctor. Other than enjoying medical TV shows such as Emergency, Ben Casey, Julia, Medical Center, etc. I never had the inclination to actually become a doctor! :)
I, for one, enjoy collecting "small" die cast cars (1:87-or HO-scale, 1:64 scale, etc.). This comes from the fact that I cannot afford most of the types of cars I collect, nor do I have the space for the real ones. Since my childhood, in the 1960's, I have always been enthralled with small vehicles, especially today, with all of the technical advances in reproduction. I have often compared some of my original Matchbox, Corgi and Hot Wheels cars to the ones being made today. The vehicles being made today have remarkable detail and features.
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Jun 21, 2016