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Pena o Samora ter sido sacrificado sem ter concretizado a dura tarefa de acabar com obscurantistas
How Samora Machel signed his own death warrant
There was motive for the then South African government to kill Mozambique’s Samora Machel, and there is plenty of evidence to back up these claims, writes Debora Patta Robert Kirby’s article on the Samora Machel crash (June 19 to 25) is devoid of any context. He writes as if South Africa in 19...
Estes da Frelimo continuam obscurantistas a falarem em amuletos, feiticarias. Um pe no hospital outo em curandeiros.
How Samora Machel signed his own death warrant
There was motive for the then South African government to kill Mozambique’s Samora Machel, and there is plenty of evidence to back up these claims, writes Debora Patta Robert Kirby’s article on the Samora Machel crash (June 19 to 25) is devoid of any context. He writes as if South Africa in 19...
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Jun 23, 2017
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