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Sam McCann appears to be a stalking horse for Pritzker and Madigan to divide the Republican vote against Bruce Rauner! He is a fake and his ads are fullof lies!
Breaking: Illinois Family Action rescinds Sam McCann endorsement over mailer
Wednesday, Illinois Family Action rescinded its endorsement of Conservative Party's gubernatorial candidate Sam McCann after finding McCann sent out a mailing against one of the Illinois House's most conservative members - State Rep. Tom Morrison. State Rep. Jeanne Ives told Illinois Review she...
Sam McCann appears to be a stalking horse for Pritzker and Madigan to divide the Republican against Bruce Rauner!
Breaking: Illinois Family Action rescinds Sam McCann endorsement over mailer
Wednesday, Illinois Family Action rescinded its endorsement of Conservative Party's gubernatorial candidate Sam McCann after finding McCann sent out a mailing against one of the Illinois House's most conservative members - State Rep. Tom Morrison. State Rep. Jeanne Ives told Illinois Review she...
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Oct 24, 2018
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