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JIB, I signed in using Yahoo.
When The Elephants Scuffle...
The NY Times takes a long look at Facebook and won't be getting many likes from that quarter. Oliver Roeder of Vox has a nice summary: Facebook seems to materialize in this column an awful lot. But when a service has “connected” more than 2.2 billion people, I suppose that makes sense. The New Y...
Before I used to be able to post as Pagar.
When The Elephants Scuffle...
The NY Times takes a long look at Facebook and won't be getting many likes from that quarter. Oliver Roeder of Vox has a nice summary: Facebook seems to materialize in this column an awful lot. But when a service has “connected” more than 2.2 billion people, I suppose that makes sense. The New Y...
It says I am logged in thru Yahoo. Yahoo says "we can not verify any information about this site. We recommend you not share any personal information with this site".
When The Elephants Scuffle...
The NY Times takes a long look at Facebook and won't be getting many likes from that quarter. Oliver Roeder of Vox has a nice summary: Facebook seems to materialize in this column an awful lot. But when a service has “connected” more than 2.2 billion people, I suppose that makes sense. The New Y...
D is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 15, 2018
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