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I LOVE you and your idea! This is PERFECT! Even though I am usually the one with either my camera or my phone really actually attached to my hand (usually both at the same time), there *are* times when my cellphone battery just can't keep up with all of the fabulousness going on around me. (LOL) So, I end up "missing that shot". These journaling cards are so perfect, I feel like you've fixed a problem before I even had to worry about it this year. :-) THANK YOU for sharing! (And, I LOVE the Rain Core Kit you've designed!)
~doreen at
this is a photo I didn't take...
so, my family would probably say my camera is attached to my hand and in their faces almost 24/7. Which is actually not true. NOT TRUE. And honestly, there are times when I head out the door with the two small boys and all the gear that that entails and I think - "ooh! I should bring my camera..... is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 27, 2010
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