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Well pretty Shira by Freyadog loves cat poop. Now that is disgusting.
Let's talk poop....
Hi, my friends. Shira here. ShiraPrincessoftheWorldDogYoung. Let's talk poop. That's OK isn't it? I understand that was a topic of conversation my predecessor talked about quite a bit. And I totally get it. Now, I understand not all canines think that excrement is one of life's delicacies, ...
What a stunning photograph. Is it a stick insect or Locust?
water water everywhere...
Somehow (well, OK, so I volunteered....)I became a water-er. A friend and I plant and maintain 5 planted pots of geraniums, ferns, and petunias at church. Same friend...with several other garden club friends plant and maintain three giant planters of whatever we think will look nice near our t...
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Aug 16, 2019
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