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David Levesque
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“So, today we sell electrolysers at the 10MW level at £800,000 per megawatt... we’ll be at £500,000/MW at the 100MW level in the next three years,” says Graham Cooley. (of ITM)
Assuming a ten year life span, 80% availability, 55kwh/kg of hydrogen:
$687,000 / [.8 X 3650 X 24 X 1000 / 55] = 54 cents per kg cost of electrolyzer equipment.
CARB: CA’s 100-station hydrogen refueling station target could be met by end of 2023
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has released the 2021 issue of its Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development, pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 8 (2013). This report is the eighth annual publication. This year’s...
Roger Brown,
Electrolyzer production rates will soon contribute to large unit cost reductions.
CARB: CA’s 100-station hydrogen refueling station target could be met by end of 2023
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has released the 2021 issue of its Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development, pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 8 (2013). This report is the eighth annual publication. This year’s...
" I don't think installing thousands of miles of pipe lines to replace NG or petro pipe lines with H2 is the answer."
Those thousands of miles of hydrogen pipeline not only move hydrogen to the stations, they also store hydrogen. Hydrogen production continues 24/7. At night, the pressure in the pipelines increases as more hydrogen is produced than is needed and then during the day pressure decreases as more hydrogen is consumed than produced.
So the pipelines perform like batteries but far less expensive and with a far greater service life.
On top of this, a hydrogen station connected to a pipeline needs very little on site hydrogen storage. This increases safety and decreases construction cost. Nor does the station require room for an 18 wheeler to park while delivering hydrogen.
And, of course, pipelines eliminate the energy needed to liquefy hydrogen for trucking and the cost of the trucking itself.
Of course, the ROI of building pipelines will vary depending on population density (hydrogen consumption density?) so onsite production and trucking will have their places.
CARB: CA’s 100-station hydrogen refueling station target could be met by end of 2023
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has released the 2021 issue of its Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development, pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 8 (2013). This report is the eighth annual publication. This year’s...
I'd like to see a graph of the total kg / day capacity of these stations.
Not only is the number of stations increasing, but the capacity of new stations is greater than the capacity of older stations.
CARB: CA’s 100-station hydrogen refueling station target could be met by end of 2023
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has released the 2021 issue of its Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development, pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 8 (2013). This report is the eighth annual publication. This year’s...
Wow. That's a lot of hydrogen.
1000 kg / day is enough to fuel a fleet of 2000 cars:
12,000 miles per year / 365 days = 33 miles per day
33 miles per day / 66 miles per kg = .5 kg per day per car
(see fueleconomy dot gov for fuel consumption data)
ENGIE selects Plug Power for refueling system for hydrogen-powered mine truck; 1 tonne H2/day
ENGIE, a global energy and services company, has selected Plug Power Inc. to provide a custom refueling system for the world’s largest hydrogen-powered mine haul truck (300 metric ton load capacity), which is set to begin operation next year. (Earlier post.) The project has emerged from a global...
Renewables will never be sufficient to replace current demand, let alone current demand plus transportation plus manufacturing and heating.
The future belongs to advanced nuclear power.
Once there is sufficient nuclear plants to meet peak demand, those same nuclear plants will have enough capacity during off peak hours to produce more than enough hydrogen for transportation.
Hyundai US-market fuel cell SUVs have accumulated more than 8.4M miles
Hyundai’s US-market fuel cell SUVs—the NEXO fuel cell SUV and the Tucson fuel cell SUV—together have accumulated more than 8.4 million miles while emitting only clean water vapor. Celebrating National Hydrogen Day 2019, we couldn’t be more proud of our NEXO and former Tucson Fuel Cell’s direc...
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Oct 20, 2019
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