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Jeanna Green
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What worries me, is it is already proven that the DNC & the whole Dem. Party has the MSM & social Media in their back pocket & the media could care less that their viewers are screaming for the truth & not just their fake crap they keep putting out. Why are they allowed after its been proven, to continue to lie & miss inform the American people.
How can their attacks & lies be allowed to cont. against a sitting President. I don't care who it is, their lies should get their stations closed down. They can not stand behind their Constitutional 1st amendment right. They are lies. Not their voice, just their weapon. SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE!! Break up to big of britches companies who abuse their power, just like get rid of Politicians who do the same!
FBI/DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus by Larry C Johnson
Law Enforcement versus the Intel Community. That's the battle we will likely see unleashed when the Horowitz report comes out next week. The New York Times came out Saturday with info clearly leaked from DOJ that can be summarized simply--the FBI was relying on the intel community (products fr...
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Oct 21, 2019
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