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Jeffery Green
Recent Activity
It seems this would be a limited life if we are to head to a world of no carbon pollution. There are other storage technologies that will give us no carbon. I would hope those would get first priority.
IPG to demo Flameless Ceramic Turbine for clean, off-grid power in EV charging
Intelligent Power Generation (IPG) will demonstrate the impact of Flameless Ceramic Turbine technology in UK electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, following a £1-million contract from Highways England. IPG secured the £1 million as part of the Highways England (HE) and Innovate UK’s £2...
(But why would you use hydrogen to make electric power?)
Energy storage is the key to 100% renewable energy. Hydrogen is this tricky substance to work with since it pretty much reacts with steel. Embrittlement. Hopefully all the kinks left
Largest pilot plant for CO2-neutral production of hydrogen begins operation at voestalpine site in Linz
What is currently the world’s largest pilot plant for the CO2-neutral production of hydrogen has successfully commenced operation at the voestalpine site in Linz, simultaneously setting an international milestone in the advancement of new energy supply options. As part of the EU-funded H2FUTU...
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Nov 28, 2019
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