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Christoph Vogelbusch
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Have you ever looked if Discworld Noir could be added to the ScummVM support list. Getting Discworld Noir to be preserved is quite important and even if you do not have the time to take care of this you could point other ScummVM contributers in the right direction if you have insights into how the data works. The reason why I think Discworld Noir is so important is, that it's the only Terry Pratchett Story that is not any more accessible. Terry Pratchett can't write it any more so unless it's made playable again it will end up being that one lost story of one of the most joy bringing authors of his time. ScummVM has done an amazing job keeping games alive and has been ported to any device imaginable (I am currently enjoying it on my iPad). The games on ScummVM stay alive as long as there are still binaries that can play them and currently a lot of them are actually extremely up to date. You are doing something to make yourself immortal with this so this is the one thing to consider in life.
Toggle Commented Dec 16, 2019 on How to Run Discworld Noir at ihobo
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Christoph Vogelbusch is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 16, 2019