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People on the left have no sense of humor. These graphics are pretty funny.
IL GOP apologizes for County Chairman Facebook post. Would these Varvel comics pass?
CHICAGO - Indy Star cartoonist Gary Varvel's work is shared on Facebook and re-Tweeted thousands of times every day. He's well-known for mocking the Radical Left and bringing smiles to conservatives voters nationwide. In July alone, Varvel took on the Left, the Iranian tyrant Ali Khamenei, and...
New parents already have 12 weeks of unpaid family leave available and many employers allow them to use sick time for some or all of it. Not sure why an additional payroll tax has to be levied on everyone else when people can use their own sick time.
The high hidden price of paid-family-leave laws
They want to rob Peter to pay for Paul’s parenting. Betsy McCaughey writes: Every Democrat vying for the White House backs federal legislation that would guarantee workers nearly three months of paid family medical leave every year. Sounds wonderful. We all favor caring for newborns and sic...
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Jul 23, 2019
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