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Vitullio Cimadori
Recent Activity
energy scrutiny schemes on steroids!!! How about using the electricity generated with the retrofitted SR turbine to generate hydrogen as the buffer in energy instead of supercapacitors then then this hydrogen from this source and possibly also from a regenerative breaking source to power small batteries to pump up the air intake for a super small cc engine with a cascade of turbo-gas power then as the temperature of the gas is reduced a magnetocaloric drive making the recovery of energy such as the exhaust gasses be only a small predetermined few degrees above ambient..COOL
TIGERS: Exhaust Gas to Electricity for Reductions in Fuel Consumption
TIGERS. The switched reluctance generator is in yellow. British engineers have developed a simple mechanism for recovering energy from engine exhaust gases that could potentially reduce vehicle fuel consumption by up to 10%. The TIGERS—Turbo-generator Integrated Gas Energy Recovery Syste...
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Dec 28, 2019
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