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Lucy Morningstar
Recent Activity
You mean the bought and paid for republican Senators that made that stupid fucking easily disproven bullshit into law? But, out of curiosity, what's the title of the hypothetical book you are referring to that contains the explanation of how a business is a person?
1 reply
That's literally the definition of boycott, dumbass. "Don't like it, don't use it."
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No one should be tolerant of intolerance. Do you even read what you write? Do you think the black people in America should be tolerant of the KKK because the KKK also has the constitutional right to free speech? What a poorly thought out nonsensical dumb comment you have there.
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Stop moving the goal posts with your logical fallacy. Just because you perceive the gun issue to be a more serious problem does not mean that the LGBTQ issue is not equally as big to others. Straight up sh*t logic strawman argument that doesn't hold water for anyone but you and those that believe as you do.
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That makes you a bigot, you know. Think it's a good thing that people are being erased because of things that they are born with. Bigot.
1 reply
That makes you a bigot, you know. You are fine with someone being erased because of things that they are born with. Bigot.
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Lucy Morningstar is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 23, 2019