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Darell Dickey
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I *believe* it was recorded, but am not certain. The unfortunate timing was entirely due to the availability of the speaker. The talk was outstanding... as most of these are.
I wish the FTP folks had been at the Future Forums talk today about the value of our city's surface area.
Ah. Understood, Ron. For many, many reasons, this system is not sustainable. Financially and otherwise. Are you aware of what percentage (or total number) of Calif cities still use loose waste pickup?
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2020 on Last Chance for the Claw at The Davisite
>> Seems to me that there's "room for compromise", on most streets. I'd suggest that the BTSSC (and their supporters) cease their "total war on yard waste", and instead accept some compromise - in the interest of the entire community. << Oddly enough, what you are railing against here IS that compromise you wish to see.
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2020 on Last Chance for the Claw at The Davisite
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Feb 20, 2020