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Curtis Slater
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This is very timely, and something we're currently wrestling with. One approach we've looked at is to 'bake' all of our overhead and operational costs into all of our program budgets, because the reality is that we need these costs to run our programs. We clearly communicate this in our breakdown of how much each program costs to run, and how much we need to raise for each child to receive services. That way, if someone donates specifically to a program, a portion of that is still going to overhead/operations.
5 donor-friendly ways to raise unrestricted funds
If you haven't already noticed this, you will eventually: Donors are way more likely to give to do something specific than to give you money just to keep your wonderful organization going. Problem is, you really need unrestricted funds. To do all the boring stuff like keep the lights on and fix t...
Curtis Slater is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 27, 2020
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