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Gloria Short
Recent Activity
I have been watching all the daily challenges. I have done most of them, some I had already just done in trying to clean up my sewing area. Just having a clean cutting table and organized small items helped a lot with giving me the desire to sew. I have been making mug rugs, the Blockhead III each week and two BOMs. I have Winter Fun ready with fabric gathered up and patterns. It is in a container, I just haven't got to it yet. The calendar project let me see just how much time I have when I could start that or Out West, which is another one I want to do. Keep up the good work. I love seeing and listening to you each day.
Do you want a peek? A Saturday Coffee Date
If you are reading this in an email, CLICK THE TITLE or the SEE MORE at the end to come to my website to watch my video! ** Saturday Coffee Date ** I'm been having so much fun with the daily challenges! this might be one of my favorites so far.. I need to finish this project this year! This ...
Gloria Short is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 14, 2020
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